Temperature gradients in the core overshooting region
The term overshooting is used to describe two situations: the chemical mixing induced by the convective elements crossing the boundary given by Schwarzschild's...
We study the structure and evolution of the magnetic field of the quiet Sun by investigating weak spectro-polarimetric signals. To this end, we observed a quiet...
Ten years of astronomical field trips to Tenerife: challenges and rewards
We describe an unusual undergraduate course that has been running successfully for over ten years and is built around a two-week field trip to Tenerife. The...
Ten Years of STEPHI Multisite Campaigns on Delta Scuti Stars
STEPHI is a photometry network that aims to obtain data to reach a better understanding of the physics of stellar interiors by seismology of δ Scuti stars. For...
Ten-micron Imaging of Ultracompact HII Regions and other YSOs
A new mid-infrared array camera has been recently put in operation with the 2.1 m telescope of the OAN at San Pedro Martir, Mexico. Calibrated 8.7, 9.8 and 12.5...