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  • Análisis sismológico de las estrellas pulsantes tipo Delta Scuti del cúmulo de las Pléyades
    The seismological analysis of Delta Scuti stars give us precise information on the stellar structure in intermediate mass stars, that is between 1.5 and 2.5 Msun. These variable stars are suitable candidates for probing some of the hydrodynamical processes, actually poorly understood, occurring in the deep interior of the stars. On the other hand
    Fox Machado, L.

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  • Analysis of new high-precision transit light curves of WASP-10 b: starspot occultations, small planetary radius, and high metallicity
    Context. The WASP-10 planetary system is intriguing because different values of radius have been reported for its transiting exoplanet. The host star exhibits activity in terms of photometric variability, which is caused by the rotational modulation of the spots. Moreover, a periodic modulation has been discovered in transit timing of WASP-10 b
    Maciejewski, G. et al.

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  • Analysis of the acoustic cut-off frequency and high-frequency peaks in six Kepler stars with stochastically excited pulsations
    Gravito-acoustic modes in the Sun and other stars propagate in resonant cavities with a frequency below a given limit known as the cut-off frequency. At higher frequencies, waves are no longer trapped in the stellar interior and become traveller waves. In this article, we study six pulsating solar-like stars at different evolutionary stages
    Jiménez, A. et al.

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  • Analysis of the solar cycle and core rotation using 15 years of Mark-I observations: 1984-1999 . I. The solar cycle
    High quality observations of the low-degree acoustic modes (p-modes) exist for almost two complete solar cycles using the solar spectrophotometer Mark-I, located at the Observatorio del Teide (Tenerife, Spain) and operating now as part of the Birmingham Solar Oscillations Network (BiSON). We have performed a Fourier analysis of 30 calibrated time
    Jiménez-Reyes, S. J. et al.

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  • Andromeda II as a merger remnant
    Using N-body simulations, we study the origin of prolate rotation observed in the kinematic data for Andromeda II (And II), a dwarf spheroidal satellite of M31. We propose an evolutionary model for the origin of And II involving a merger between two discy dwarf galaxies with different disc scalelengths. The dwarfs are placed on a radial orbit
    Łokas, E. L. et al.

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  • Angular momentum transfer between oscillations and rotation in subdwarf B hybrid pulsators
    Context. Subdwarf B pulsators exhibit pressure (p) and/or gravity (g) modes. Their frequency spectra range from very simple, with few frequencies, to very rich, with more than fifty peaks in some cases. Balloon09 is a hybrid pulsating subdwarf B, showing a great number of p- and g-modes including triplet and quintuplet-like structures, which are
    Pérez-Hernández, F. et al.

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