In a recent book, Dodson (2009) has presented an updated impression of the Amarna period, in heavy contrast to the one lately defended by Krauss (2008) and...
East or Easter? keys to the orientation of Romanesque churches along the way of Saint James
The pilgrimage along the Way of Saint James constituted the principal mechanism for the introduction of new currents of thought into the Iberian Peninsula, such...
El Equinoccio de otoño desde el dolmen de Valdecaballeros
El próximo martes 22 de septiembre, a las 13:30 UT, la Tierra se encontrará en un punto singular en su órbita alrededor del Sol: el equinoccio de septiembre...
El libro definitivo sobre el papel cultural de la astronomía en el Egipto antiguo
La editorial Springer publica el libro "La astronomía del Egipto antiguo: una perspectiva cultural" del investigador del Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias...
El paisaje cultural y celaje del Camino de Santiago
Un estudio liderado por la investigadora del Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias Maitane Urrutia-Aparicio ha evidenciado la relevancia de la salida del sol el...
Equinoctial Markers in Protohistoric Iberian Sanctuaries
This paper summarizes the most relevant results of a thorough archaeoastronomical study conducted since 1997 in several tens of Iberian archaeological sites...
Finding Our Place in the Cosmos: The Role of Astronomy In Ancient Cultures
Mircea Eliade (1992) argued that a single view of the starry celestial vault would be sufficient to awake a religious experience. This idea is as true today as...
In search of cosmic order: Astronomy and culture in Ancient Egypt
Over the past five years, the Egyptian-Spanish Mission on the archaeoastronomy of ancient Egypt and its collaborators has been performing an ambitious...
Orientation studies have recently received considerable attention in the archaeological domain as a source of information that may shed light on a number of...