From galaxy formation theory we expect galaxies to be embedded in massive dark matter haloes. For spiral and dwarf galaxies this has indeed been observationally...
The distribution of matter in galaxies of different luminosities and Hubble types, as inferred from observations, plays an important role in cosmology...
Dark Matter in Spiral Galaxies: dynamical constraints
Dark Matter in Galaxies is an important subject of current astrophysical research. I will concentrate on spiral galaxies, and first give an overview of the...
Density distribution of the cosmological matter field
The one-point probability distribution function (PDF) of the matter density field in the universe is a fundamental property that plays an essential role in...
Descubierto el mecanismo que elimina la materia oscura de las galaxias
La escasez de materia oscura en la galaxia NGC1052-DF4 ha desconcertado durante varios años a la comunidad astronómica. Ahora, un equipo de investigadores del...
Descubren una gigantesca corriente de estrellas en el cúmulo de Coma
Un equipo científico internacional, en el que participa personal investigador del Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), ha descubierto una corriente de...