Asensio-Ramos, A.; Manso-Sainz, R.
Referencia bibliográfica
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 731, Issue 2, article id. 125 (2011).
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Obtaining the magnetic properties of non-resolved structures in the
solar photosphere is always challenging and problems arise because the
inversion is carried out through the numerical minimization of a merit
function that depends on the proposed model. We investigate the
reliability of inversions in which the stray-light contamination is
obtained from the same observations as a local average. In this case, we
show that it is fundamental to include the covariance between the
observed Stokes profiles and the stray-light contamination. The ensuing
modified merit function of the inversion process penalizes large
stray-light contaminations simply because of the presence of positive
correlations between the observables and the stray light, fundamentally
produced by spatially variable systematics. We caution that if the wrong
merit function is used, artificially large stray-light contaminations
might be inferred. Since this effect disappears if the stray-light
contamination is obtained as an average over the full field of view, we
recommend taking into account stray-light contamination using a global
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