del Pino Alemán, T.; Trujillo Bueno, J.
Referencia bibliográfica
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 838, Issue 2, article id. 164, 9 pp. (2017).
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The linearly polarized solar limb spectrum caused by the absorption and
scattering of anisotropic radiation has a very rich diagnostic
potential, given its sensitivity to the thermal, dynamic, and magnetic
structure of the solar atmosphere. A crucial first step toward its
scientific exploitation is understanding the physical origin of the
observed spectral line polarization and its magnetic sensitivity via the
Hanle and Zeeman effects. Here, we study the linear polarization signals
observed in the IR triplet of O i at 777 nm, describing in detail the
multilevel radiative transfer calculations that allowed us to decipher
their physical origin. We investigate the sensitivity of the calculated
scattering polarization signals to various modeling parameters, finding
that the observed fractional linear polarization pattern originates
mainly in the solar chromosphere, although the intensity profiles of the
O i IR triplet come mainly from the lower photosphere. We find that the
three lines are sensitive, via the Hanle effect, to magnetic fields with
strengths between 0.01 and 30 G, in a extended region of the solar
atmosphere. We show this through calculations of the response function
to magnetic field perturbations in a semi-empirical model of the quiet
Sun atmosphere. The dominant response of the linear polarization signals
occurs at heights ∼ 1000 km above the visible model’s surface,
which demonstrates that the scattering linear polarization signals of
the oxygen IR triplet encode information on the magnetism of the solar
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Magnetismo, Polarización y Transferencia Radiativa en Astrofísica
Los campos magnéticos están presentes en todos los plasmas astrofísicos y controlan la mayor parte de la variabilidad que se observa en el Universo a escalas temporales intermedias. Se encuentran en estrellas, a lo largo de todo el diagrama de Hertzsprung-Russell, en galaxias, e incluso quizás en el medio intergaláctico. La polarización de la luz
Tanausú del
Pino Alemán