The radial abundance gradient of chlorine in the Milky Way

Esteban, C.; García-Rojas, J.; Pérez-Mesa, V.
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Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 452, Issue 2, p.1553-1560

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We determine the radial abundance gradient of Cl in the Milky Way from H II regions spectra. For the first time, the Cl/H ratios are computed by simply adding ionic abundances and not using an ionization correction factor (ICF). We use a collection of published very deep spectra of Galactic H II regions. We have recalculated the physical conditions, ionic and total abundances of Cl and O using the same methodology and updated atomic data for all the objects. We find that the slopes of the radial gradients of Cl and O are identical within the uncertainties: -0.043 dex kpc-1. This is consistent with a lockstep evolution of both elements. We obtain that the mean value of the Cl/O ratio across the Galactic disc is log(Cl/O) = -3.42 ± 0.06. We compare our Cl/H ratios with those determined from Cl2+ abundances and using some available ICF schemes of the literature. We find that our total Cl abundances are always lower than the values determined using ICFs, indicating that those correction schemes systematically overestimate the contribution of Cl+ and Cl3+ species to the total Cl abundance. Finally, we propose an empirical ICF(Cl2+) to estimate the Cl/H ratio in H II regions.
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