Barros, S. C. C.; Almenara, J. M.; Deleuil, M.; Diaz, R. F.; Csizmadia, Sz.; Cabrera, J.; Chaintreuil, S.; Collier Cameron, A.; Hatzes, A.; Haywood, R.; Lanza, A. F.; Aigrain, S.; Alonso, R.; Bordé, P.; Bouchy, F.; Deeg, H. J.; Erikson, A.; Fridlund, M.; Grziwa, S.; Gandolfi, D.; Guillot, T.; Guenther, E.; Leger, A.; Moutou, C.; Ollivier, M.; Pasternacki, T.; Pätzold, M.; Rauer, H.; Rouan, D.; Santerne, A.; Schneider, J.; Wuchterl, G.
Referencia bibliográfica
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 569, id.A74, 13 pp.
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The first super-Earth with measured radius discovered was CoRoT-7b and
it has opened the new field of rocky exoplanet characterisation. To
better understand this interesting system, new observations were taken
with the CoRoT satellite. During this run 90 new transits were obtained
in the imagette mode. These were analysed together with the previous 151
transits obtained in the discovery run and HARPS radial velocity
observations to derive accurate system parameters. A difference is found
in the posterior probability distribution of the transit parameters
between the previous CoRoT run (LRa01) and the new run (LRa06). We
propose that this is due to an extra noise component in the previous
CoRoT run suspected of being transit spot occultation events. These lead
to the mean transit shape becoming V-shaped. We show that the extra
noise component is dominant at low stellar flux levels and reject these
transits in the final analysis. We obtained a planetary radius,
Rp = 1.585 ± 0.064 R⊕ , in agreement
with previous estimates. Combining the planetary radius with the new
mass estimates results in a planetary density of 1.19 ± 0.27
ρ⊕ which is consistent with a rocky composition.
The CoRoT-7 system remains an excellent test bed for the effects of
activity in the derivation of planetary parameters in the shallow
transit regime.
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