Boffin, H. M. J.; Jones, D.; Wesson, Roger; Beletsky, Yuri; Miszalski, Brent; Saviane, Ivo; Monaco, Lorenzo; Corradi, R.; Santander García, Miguel; Rodríguez-Gil, P.
Referencia bibliográfica
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 619, id.A84, 8 pp.
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Bipolar planetary nebulae (PNe) are thought to result from binary star
interactions and, indeed, tens of binary central stars of PNe have been
found, in particular using photometric time-series that allow for the
detection of post-common envelope systems. Using photometry at the NTT
in La Silla we have studied the bright object close to the centre of PN
M 3-2 and found it to be an eclipsing binary with an orbital period of
1.88 days. However, the components of the binary appear to be two A or F
stars, of almost equal mass, and are therefore too cold to be the source
of ionisation of the nebula. Using deep images of the central star
obtained in good seeing conditions, we confirm a previous result that
the central star is more likely much fainter, located 2″ away from
the bright star. The eclipsing binary is thus a chance alignment on top
of the planetary nebula. We also studied the nebular abundance and
confirm it to be a Type I PN.
Based on ESO observations made under programmes 088.D-0573(A),
090.D-0435(A), 090.D-0693(A), 091.D-0475(A), 092.D-0449(A),
094.D-0031(A), 094.D-0031(A), and 096.D-0237(A).Tables A.1 and A.2 are
only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to
( or via
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Rodríguez Gil