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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • Euclid: Improving the efficiency of weak lensing shear bias calibration. Pixel noise cancellation and the response method on trial
    To obtain an accurate cosmological inference from upcoming weak lensing surveys such as the one conducted by Euclid, the shear measurement requires calibration using galaxy image simulations. As it typically requires millions of simulated galaxy images and consequently a substantial computational effort, seeking methods to speed the calibration up
    Jansen, H. et al.

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  • Optical spectroscopy of blazars for the Cherenkov Telescope Array - III
    Context. Blazars, which include BL Lacs and flat-spectrum radio quasars, represent the brightest persistent extragalactic sources in the high-energy (HE; 10 MeV-100 GeV) and very-high-energy (VHE; E > 100 GeV) γ-ray sky. Due to their almost featureless optical/UV spectra, it is challenging to measure the redshifts of BL Lacs. As a result, about 50%
    D'Ammando, F. et al.

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  • Optimizing Space Telescopes' Thermal Performance through Uncertainty Analysis: Identification of Critical Parameters and Shaping Test Strategy Development
    The integration of uncertainty analysis methodologies allows for improving design efficiency, particularly in the context of instruments that demand precise pointing accuracy, such as space telescopes. Focusing on the VINIS Earth observation telescope developed by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), this paper reports an uncertainty
    Garcia-Luis, Uxia et al.

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  • Stellar populations and the origin of thick disks in AURIGA simulations
    Context. Recent integral-field spectroscopy observations of edge-on galaxies have led to significant progress in our knowledge of the ages and chemical compositions of thick disks. However, the origin of thick disks and their evolutionary connection with thin disks is still a matter of debate. Aims: We provide new insights into this topic by
    Pinna, Francesca et al.

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  • The cosmic web from perturbation theory
    Context. Analysing the large-scale structure (LSS) in the Universe with galaxy surveys demands accurate structure formation models. Such models should ideally be fast and have a clear theoretical framework in order to rapidly scan a variety of cosmological parameter spaces without requiring large training data sets. Aims: This study aims to extend
    Kitaura, F. -S. et al.

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  • The GAPS programme at TNG. LII. Spot modelling of V1298 Tau using the SpotCCF tool
    Context. The intrinsic variability due to the magnetic activity of young active stars is one of the main challenges in detecting and characterising exoplanets. The stellar activity is responsible for jitter effects observed both in photometric and spectroscopic observations that can impact our planetary detection sensitivity. Aims: We present a
    Di Maio, C. et al.

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