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  • The VST ATLAS quasar survey I: Catalogue of photometrically selected quasar candidates
    We present the VST ATLAS Quasar Survey, consisting of ~1229 000 quasar (QSO) candidates with 16 < g < 22.5 over ~4700 deg 2. The catalogue is based on VST ATLAS+NEOWISE imaging surveys and aims to reach a QSO sky density of 130 deg -2 for $z$ < 2.2 and ~30 deg -2 for $z$ > 2.2. To guide our selection, we use X-ray/UV/optical/MIR data in the
    Eltvedt, Alice M. et al.

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  • Galaxy interactions are the dominant trigger for local type 2 quasars
    The triggering mechanism for the most luminous, quasar-like active galactic nuclei (AGN) remains a source of debate, with some studies favouring triggering via galaxy mergers, but others finding little evidence to support this mechanism. Here, we present deep Isaac Newton Telescope/Wide Field Camera imaging observations of a complete sample of 48
    Pierce, J. C. S. et al.

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  • Spatially resolved chemodynamics of the starburst dwarf galaxy CGCG 007-025: evidence for recent accretion of metal-poor gas
    Nearby metal-poor starburst dwarf galaxies present a unique opportunity to probe the physics of high-density star formation with a detail and sensitivity unmatched by any observation of the high-z Universe. Here, we present the first results from a chemodynamical study of the nearby, gas-rich starburst dwarf CGCG 007-025. We use VLT/MUSE integral
    del Valle-Espinosa, Macarena G. et al.

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  • Ultracool dwarfs candidates based on 6 yr of the Dark Energy Survey data
    We present a sample of 19 583 ultracool dwarf candidates brighter than z ≤23 selected from the Dark Energy Survey DR2 coadd data matched to VHS DR6, VIKING DR5, and AllWISE covering ~ 480 deg 2. The ultracool candidates were first pre-selected based on their (i-z), (z-Y), and (Y-J) colours. They were further classified using a method that compares
    dal Ponte, M. et al.

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  • A high-resolution study of near-IR diffuse interstellar bands, search for small-scale structure, time variability, and stellar features
    Context. The diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs) are a set of hundreds of unidentified absorption features that appear almost ubiquitously throughout the interstellar medium. Most DIBs appear at optical wavelengths, but some are in the near-infrared. Aims: We aim to characterise near-infrared DIBs at high spectral resolving power towards multiple
    Smoker, J. V. et al.

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  • Characterisation of the new target of the NASA Lucy mission: Asteroid 152830 Dinkinesh (1999 VD57)
    Context. The NASA Lucy mission is designed to collect data that will be used to study the very interesting population of Jupiter Trojans, which are considered to be time capsules from the time of birth of our Solar System. During its journey, the mission will pass near a main belt asteroid, Donaldjohanson. Recently, NASA announced that a new
    de León, J. et al.

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