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  • Samples returned from the asteroid Ryugu are similar to Ivuna-type carbonaceous meteorites
    Carbonaceous meteorites are thought to be fragments of C-type (carbonaceous) asteroids. Samples of the C-type asteroid (162173) Ryugu were retrieved by the Hayabusa2 spacecraft. We measure the mineralogy, bulk chemical and isotopic compositions of Ryugu samples. They are mainly composed of materials similar to carbonaceous chondrite meteorites
    Yokoyama, T. et al.

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  • Spatially resolved properties of the ionized gas in the H II galaxy J084220+115000
    We present a spatially resolved spectroscopic study for the metal poor H II galaxy J084220+115000 using MEGARA Integral Field Unit observations at the Gran Telescopio Canarias. We estimated the gas metallicity using the direct method for oxygen, nitrogen, and helium and found a mean value of 12 + log (O/H) = 8.03 ± 0.06, and integrated electron
    Fernández-Arenas, D. et al.

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  • The EBLM project - IX. Five fully convective M-dwarfs, precisely measured with CHEOPS and TESS light curves
    Eclipsing binaries are important benchmark objects to test and calibrate stellar structure and evolution models. This is especially true for binaries with a fully convective M-dwarf component for which direct measurements of these stars' masses and radii are difficult using other techniques. Within the potential of M-dwarfs to be exoplanet host
    Sebastian, D. et al.

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  • The origin of stars in the inner 500 parsecs in TNG50 galaxies
    We investigate the origin of stars in the innermost 500 pc of galaxies spanning stellar masses of $5\times 10^{8-12}\, \mathrm{M}_{\odot }$ at z = 0 using the cosmological magnetohydrodynamical TNG50 simulation. Three different origins of stars comprise galactic centres: (1) in situ (born in the centre), (2) migrated (born elsewhere in the galaxy
    Boecker, Alina et al.

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  • The Principle of Maximum Entropy and the Distribution of Mass in Galaxies
    We do not have a final answer to the question of why galaxies choose a particular internal mass distribution. Here we examine whether the distribution is set by thermodynamic equilibrium (TE). Traditionally, TE is discarded for a number of reasons including the inefficiency of two-body collisions to thermalize the mass distribution in a Hubble time
    Sánchez Almeida, Jorge

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  • The Pristine survey - XX. GTC follow-up observations of extremely metal-poor stars identified from Pristine and LAMOST
    Ultra-metal-poor stars ($\rm {[Fe/H]} \lt -4.0$) are very rare, and finding them is a challenging task. Both narrow-band photometry and low-resolution spectroscopy have been useful tools for identifying candidates, and in this work, we combine both approaches. We cross-matched metallicity-sensitive photometry from the Pristine survey with the low
    Arentsen, Anke et al.

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