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  • Ultraviolet spectropolarimetry with Polstar: using Polstar to test magnetospheric mass-loss quenching
    Polstar is a proposed NASA MIDEX space telescope that will provide high-resolution, simultaneous full-Stokes spectropolarimetry in the far ultraviolet, together with low-resolution linear polarimetry in the near ultraviolet. This observatory offers unprecedented capabilities to obtain unique information on the magnetic and plasma properties of the
    Shultz, M. E. et al.

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  • Ultraviolet spectropolarimetry: investigating stellar magnetic field diagnostics
    Magnetic fields are important for stellar photospheres and magnetospheres, influencing photospheric physics and sculpting stellar winds. Observations of stellar magnetic fields are typically made in the visible, although infrared observations are becoming common. Here we consider the possibility of directly detecting magnetic fields at ultraviolet
    Folsom, C. P. et al.

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  • Unveiling the past evolution of the progenitor of the Helmi streams
    Aims: We aim to determine unique features that characterise the past evolution of the progenitor of the Helmi streams through the analysis of star formation histories (SFHs). Methods: From the 5D Gaia EDR3 dataset, we extracted local samples of stars dominated by the Helmi streams, the Galactic (thick and thin) disc, and the local retrograde halo
    Ruiz-Lara, T. et al.

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  • Lessons from the ionised and molecular mass of post-CE PNe
    Close binary evolution is widely invoked to explain the formation of axisymmetric planetary nebulae, after a brief common envelope phase. The evolution of the primary would be interrupted abruptly, its still quite massive envelope being fully ejected to form the PN, which should be more massive than a planetary nebula coming from the same star
    Santander-García, Miguel et al.

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  • Goobley/Lightweaver: Performance Focused Improvements
    The v0.8 release of Lightweaver focuses significantly on performance enhancements in the backend, with some improved frontend flexibility regarding the printing of results. If you've been using a v0.8.0rc* version then you will already have most/all of these features. Notable features: Manual SIMD (x86_64) vectorisation throughout the opacity
    Cmo et al.

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  • joshspeagle/dynesty: v1.2.3
    Minor bug fix release. See the changelog for details.
    Koposov, Sergey et al.

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