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  • A warm super-Neptune around the G-dwarf star TOI-1710 revealed with TESS, SOPHIE, and HARPS-N
    We report the discovery and characterization of the transiting extrasolar planet TOI-1710 b. It was first identified as a promising candidate by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite. Its planetary nature was then established with SOPHIE and HARPS-N spectroscopic observations via the radial-velocity method. The stellar parameters for the host
    König, P. -C. et al.

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  • Ambipolar Diffusion in the Lower Solar Atmosphere: Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of a Sunspot
    Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of the solar atmosphere are often performed under the assumption that the plasma is fully ionized. However, in the lower solar atmosphere a reduced temperature often results in only the partial ionization of the plasma. The interaction between the decoupled neutral and ionized components of such a partially
    MacBride, Conor D. et al.

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  • Automatic model-based telluric correction for the ESPRESSO data reduction software. Model description and application to radial velocity computation
    Context. Ground-based high-resolution spectrographs are key instruments for several astrophysical domains, such as exoplanet studies. Unfortunately, the observed spectra are contaminated by the Earth's atmosphere and its large molecular absorption bands. While different techniques (forward radiative transfer models, principle component analysis
    Allart, R. et al.

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  • Characterization of the MASCOT landing area by Hayabusa2
    Context. After landing on C-type asteroid Ryugu, MASCOT imaged brightly colored, submillimeter-sized inclusions in a small rock. Hayabusa2 successfully returned a sample of small particles from the surface of Ryugu, but none of these appear to harbor such inclusions. The samples are considered representative of Ryugu. Aims: To understand the
    Schröder, Stefan et al.

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  • Chemical composition of the young massive cluster NGC 1569-B
    Context. The chemical composition of young massive clusters (YMCs) provides stellar population information on their host galaxy. As potential precursors of globular clusters (GCs), their properties can help us understand the origins of GCs and their evolution. Aims: We present a detailed chemical abundance analysis of the YMC NGC 1569-B. The host
    Gvozdenko, A. et al.

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  • Euclid preparation. XXI. Intermediate-redshift contaminants in the search for z > 6 galaxies within the Euclid Deep Survey
    Context. The Euclid mission is expected to discover thousands of z > 6 galaxies in three deep fields, which together will cover a ∼50 deg 2 area. However, the limited number of Euclid bands (four) and the low availability of ancillary data could make the identification of z > 6 galaxies challenging. Aims: In this work we assess the degree of
    van Mierlo, S. E. et al.

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