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  • The real-time computing and instrument control software for CaNaPy
    CaNaPy is an LGS-AO experimental facility of new generation, currently being assembled by the research institutes participating to the project (INAF, IAC and Durham) and the European Southern Observatory. CaNaPy operation is at visible wavelengths, with a 63 W 589 nm laser used in pulsed mode. The project is lead by the ESO Technology Development
    Jenkins, David R. et al.

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  • The small-ELF project: toward an ultra-large coronagraphic optical receiver
    The small ExoLife Finder (sELF) telescope is a 3.4m diameter fixed pupil tracking Fizeau interferometer. Its design relies on several new technologies the ELF-PLANETS consortium has championed that will enable large narrow-field optical coronagraphic direct imaging. These distinguish it from other segmented aperture telescopes by its light weight
    Kuhn, Jeff et al.

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  • The upgraded GREGOR infrared spectrograph
    For more than ten years, the GREGOR Infrared Spectrograph (GRIS) has been the main spectropolarimeter on the GREGOR telescope since its inauguration in 2012. The instrument mainly performs polarimetric observations of the wavelength regions at 1083 and 1565 nm, with high scientific potential. There, observers can find spectral lines that provide
    Quintero Noda, Carlos et al.

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  • Update and preliminary performance analysis of the New Robotic Telescope structure
    The New Robotic Telescope will be 4-meter class telescope with a fast response time (less than 30 seconds) as its primary design target. To achieve this, enough structural stiffness and a quick settling time are key factors. Over the last year, important updates to the structure have been carried out. The biggest update consists of changing the
    Rodríguez Pereira, César et al.

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  • VPHGs for astronomy: what we learnt in OPTICON EU and manufacturing perspectives
    Volume Phase Holographic Gratings (VPHGs) are optical element widely used in astronomical spectrographs as main disperser or cross-disperser in high resolution echelle instruments. In spite of the fact that other technologies are available on the market, the VPH technology remain a key one. In the EU funded OPTICON project, different activities
    Bianco, Andrea et al.

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