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  • A super-Earth orbiting near the inner edge of the habitable zone around the M4.5 dwarf Ross 508
    We report the near-infrared radial velocity (RV) discovery of a super-Earth planet on a 10.77 d orbit around the M4.5 dwarf Ross 508 (J mag = 9.1). Using precision RVs from the Subaru Telescope IRD (InfraRed Doppler) instrument, we derive a semi-amplitude of $3.92^{+0.60}_{-0.58}\:\mbox{m}\:{\mbox{s}^{-1}}$, corresponding to a planet with a minimum
    Harakawa, Hiroki et al.

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  • Benchmark tests of transmission spectroscopy using transiting white dwarfs
    Context. Ground-based transit observations are affected by both telluric absorption and instrumental systematics, which can affect the final retrieved transmission spectrum of an exoplanet. To account for these effects, a better understanding of the impact of different data analyses is needed to improve the accuracy of the retrieved transmission
    Jiang, C. et al.

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  • Detailed stellar activity analysis and modelling of GJ 832. Reassessment of the putative habitable zone planet GJ 832c
    Context. Gliese-832 (GJ 832) is an M2V star hosting a massive planet on a decade-long orbit, GJ 832b, discovered by radial velocity (RV). Later, a super Earth or mini-Neptune orbiting within the stellar habitable zone was reported (GJ 832c). The recently determined stellar rotation period (45.7 ± 9.3 days) is close to the orbital period of putative
    Gorrini, P. et al.

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  • Discovery of optical and infrared accretion disc wind signatures in the black hole candidate MAXI J1348-630
    MAXI J1348-630 is a low mass X-ray binary discovered in 2019 during a bright outburst. During this event, the system experienced both hard and soft states following the standard evolution. We present multi-epoch optical and near-infrared spectroscopy obtained with X-shooter at the Very Large Telescope. Our dataset includes spectra taken during the
    Panizo-Espinar, G. et al.

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  • Four sub-Jovian-mass planets detected by high-cadence microlensing surveys
    Aims: With the aim of finding short-term planetary signals, we investigated the data collected from current high-cadence microlensing surveys. Methods: From this investigation, we found four planetary systems with low planet-to-host mass ratios, including OGLE-2017-BLG-1691L, KMT-2021-BLG-0320L, KMT-2021-BLG-1303L, and KMT-2021-BLG-1554L. Despite
    Han, Cheongho et al.

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  • HADES RV Programme with HARPS-N at TNG. XV. Planetary occurrence rates around early-M dwarfs
    Aims: We present the complete Bayesian statistical analysis of the HArps-n red Dwarf Exoplanet Survey (HADES), which monitored the radial velocities of a large sample of M dwarfs with HARPS-N at TNG over the last 6 yr. Methods: The targets were selected in a narrow range of spectral types from M0 to M3, 0.3 M ⊙ < M ★ < 0.71 M ⊙, in order to study
    Pinamonti, M. et al.

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