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  • S imulations Of Science Data Of The Solo-VIM Instrument
    The SolO-VIM instrument will be a two-dimensional full-Stokes spectro-polarimeter which will provide diffraction-limited vector-magnetograms, Dopplergrams, and continuum images of the solar photosphere. The instrument's performance depends on various parameters such as aperture diameter, filter characteristics, spectral- line sampling, and orbital
    Yelles, L. et al.

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  • S pace Qualification Of A Thin Wafer Lithium Niobate Etalon For The Visible Light Imager And Magnetograph (Vim)
    For the Visible Light Imager and Magnetograph (VIM) a high-resolution filtergraph is under design. The system takes advantage of a lithium niobate (LiNbO3) crystal which can be used as a scanning filter using high voltage for tuning. We have undertaken first studies to qualify a lithium niobate wafer of 70 mm aperture size for deployment and use in
    Schühle, U. et al.

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  • S4N: A Spectroscopic Survey of Stars in the Solar Neighborhood
    We are using the McDonald 2.7m and ESO 1.52m telescopes to obtain spectra of nearby stars at high-resolution, high S/N, and with complete optical coverage. The sample includes all stars in the Hipparcos catalog brighter than MV = 6.5 (˜ K2 V) within a 12770 pc3 sphere centered at the Sun. The survey is 78 % complete. The database will be publicly
    Lambert, D. L. et al.

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  • Sampling and Characterization of the Turbulence Vertical Distribution. Statistics of SCIDAR Profiling
    Unlike the trial procedures, a reliable characterization of the vertical turbulence distribution on a site should be based in unbiased statistical sample criteria. The sample size is as important as the criteria under which it is taken. We present here the statistical results of the optical turbulence profiles at the Roque de los Muchachos
    Fuensalida, J. J. et al.

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