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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • Time series of high resolution photospheric spectra in a quiet region of the Sun. II. Analysis of the variation of physical quantities of granular structures
    From the inversion of a time series of high resolution slit spectrograms obtained from the quiet sun, the spatial and temporal distribution of the thermodynamical quantities and the vertical flow velocity is derived as a function of optical depth (logτ) and geometrical height (z). Spatial coherence and phase shift analyses between temperature and
    Puschmann, K. G. et al.

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  • Time-correlation of the solar p-mode velocity signal from GOLF
    Since the launch of SOHO, the Solar Heliospheric Orbital Observatory, the helioseismic observations are nearly uninterrupted. The GOLF instrument (A. Gabriel et al., 1997) measures the mean velocity integrated over the disk. The autocorrelation function of this velocity shows two main features: Firstly, the initial decrease of the peak amplitudes
    Gabriel, M. et al.

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  • Time-Delayed transfer functions simulations for LMXBs
    Recent works (Steeghs & Casares 2002, Casares et al. 2003, Hynes et al. 2003) have demonstrated that Bowen flourescence is a very efficient tracer of the companion star in LMXBs. We present a numerical code to simulate time-delayed transfer functions in LMXBs, specific to the case of reprocessing in emission lines. The code is also able to obtain
    Muñoz-Darias, T. et al.

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  • Timing the accretion flow around accreting millisecond pulsars
    At present, ten years after they were first discovered, ten accreting millisecond pulsars are known. I present a study of the aperiodic X-ray variability in three of these systems, which led to the discovery of simultaneous kHz quasi periodic oscillations in XTE J1807-294 and extremely strong broadband noise at unusually low variability frequencies
    Linares, M.

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  • TMAP: A NEO follow-up program utilizing undergraduate observers
    In the spring of 2000 we began TMAP (Table Mountain Astrometry Project), a program designed to provide timely astrometric followup of newly discovered near-Earth asteroids. Relying on undergraduate observers from the local California State Universities, we have to date been involved with the over 50 NEO and new comet discoveries. This is a
    Ramirez, C. et al.

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  • Towards a Unified View of Inhomogeneous Stellar Winds in Isolated Supergiant Stars and Supergiant High Mass X-Ray Binaries
    Massive stars, at least ˜10 times more massive than the Sun, have two key properties that make them the main drivers of evolution of star clusters, galaxies, and the Universe as a whole. On the one hand, the outer layers of massive stars are so hot that they produce most of the ionizing ultraviolet radiation of galaxies; in fact, the first massive
    Martínez-Núñez, Silvia et al.

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