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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • Understanding the Cosmic Mass Function High-Mass Behavior
    We claim that the discrepancy found between the theoretical predictions for the cosmic mass function and those found in numerical simulations is due to the fact that in deriving the former, all mass elements are assumed to be at the center of the object they belong to (the all-mass-at-center problem). By an appropriate treatment of this problem
    Betancort-Rijo, J. E. et al.

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  • Universidad Complutense de Madrid list 1 (Zamorano+ 1994)
    A low dispersion objective-prism survey for low-redshift emission-line galaxies (ELGs) is being carried out by the University Complutense de Madrid with the Schmidt telescope at the German-Spanish Observatory of Calar Alto (Almeria, Spain). A 4deg full aperture prism, which provides a dispersion of 1950A/mm, and IIIa-F emulsion combination has been
    Zamorano, J. et al.

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  • Unveiling the Central Parsec Region of an Active Galactic Nucleus: The Circinus Nucleus in the Near-Infrared with the Very Large Telescope
    VLT J- to M'-band adaptive optics observations of the Circinus galaxy on parsec scales resolve a central bright Ks-band source with a FWHM size of 1.9+/-0.6 pc. This source is only visible at wavelengths longward of 1.6 μm and coincides in position with the peak of the [Si VII] 2.48 μm coronal line emission. With respect to the peak of the central
    Prieto, M. Almudena et al.

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  • Unveiling the Nature of M94's (NGC4736) Outer Region: A Panchromatic Perspective
    We have conducted a deep multiwavelength analysis (0.15-160 μm) to study the outer region of the nearby galaxy M94. We show that the non-optical data support the idea that the outskirts of this galaxy are not formed by a closed stellar ring (as traditionally claimed in the literature) but by a spiral arm structure. In this sense, M94 is a good
    Trujillo, I. et al.

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  • Updated catalogue of the light curve solutions of contact binary stars
    The catalogue of the light curve solutions of contact binary stars was updated. Based on the catalogue data we call the attention to a remarkable gap in the temperature distribution of contact binaries which remained unexplained. The absolute dimensions of the components were calculated in a reliable way.
    Csizmadia, Sz. et al.

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  • Use of satellite data for astronomical site characterization
    The main goal of this work is the analysis of new approaches in order to study the properties of astronomical sites. The objective is to calibrate the atmospheric extinction provided by in situ techniques through remote sensing data retrieved from satellite-platforms. We have explored the usefulness of data provided by different spectrographs
    Varela, A. M. et al.

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