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  • Broad-band spectrophotometry of HAT-P-32 b: search for a scattering signature in the planetary spectrum
    Multicolour broad-band transit observations offer the opportunity to characterize the atmosphere of an extrasolar planet with small- to medium-sized telescopes. One of the most favourable targets is the hot Jupiter HAT-P-32 b. We combined 21 new transit observations of this planet with 36 previously published light curves for a homogeneous analysis
    Mallonn, M. et al.

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  • Brown dwarf companion with a period of 4.6 yr interacting with the hot Jupiter CoRoT-20 b
    We report the discovery of an additional substellar companion in the CoRoT-20 system based on six years of HARPS and SOPHIE radial velocity follow-up. CoRoT-20 c has a minimum mass of 17 ± 1 MJup and orbits the host star in 4.59 ± 0.05 yr, with an orbital eccentricity of 0.60 ± 0.03. This is the first identified system with an eccentric hot Jupiter
    Rey, J. et al.

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  • Brown Dwarf Disks at Ages of 5-10 Myr
    We present Spitzer/IRAC and MIPS 24 μm observations for 28 brown dwarfs in the Upper Scorpius (UppSco) region. We find a disk fraction of 10.7%+8.7% -3.3%. One object shows a small excess at 24 μm but none at shorter wavelengths, and may be a candidate transition disk. Three objects show emission in the 10 μm silicate feature and we present
    Riaz, Basmah et al.

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  • Brown dwarfs and isolated planets: fifteen years of a discovery
    Since the discovery of the first brown dwarfs, Teide 1 and Gl 229B in 1995, several hundreds of substellar objects have been discovered. During these fifteen years, the field of brown dwarfs has experimented a great development, only comparable to that carried out in the strongly related field of extrasolar planets. Substellar objects, on the
    Béjar, V. J. S.

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  • Building galaxies, stars, planets and the ingredients for life between the stars. The science behind the European Ultraviolet-Visible Observatory
    This contribution gathers the contents of the white paper submitted by the UV community to the Call issued by the European Space Agency in March 2013, for the definition of the L2 and L3 missions in the ESA science program. We outlined the key science that a large UV facility would make possible and the instrumentation to be implemented. The growth
    Gómez de Castro, A. I. et al.

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