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  • Dynamo action in turbulent flows
    We present results from numerical simulations of nonlinear MHD dynamo action produced by three-dimensional flows that become turbulent for high values of the fluid Reynolds number. The magnitude of the forcing function driving the flow is allowed to evolve with time in such way as to maintain an approximately constant velocity amplitude (and
    Archontis, V. et al.

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  • Early-type galaxies in low-density environments
    We describe the construction and study of an objectively defined sample of early-type galaxies in low-density environments. The sample galaxies are selected from a recently completed redshift survey using uniform and readily quantified isolation criteria, and are drawn from a sky area of ~700 deg2, to a depth of 7000 km s-1 and an apparent
    Kuntschner, Harald et al.

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  • Early-type galaxies in the EGS (Fernandez Lorenzo+, 2011)
    Physical parameters for 135 early-type galaxies in the Extended Groth Strip (EGS). For each galaxy equatorial coordinates, total magnitudes in B and g-bands, redshift, velocity dispersion, effective radius, surface brightness, stellar mass, Sersic index, type (elliptical or lenticular) and signal-to-noise of the spectrum are given. (1 data file).
    Fernandez Lorenzo, M. et al.

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  • Earth like planets albedo variations versus continental landmass distribution
    By making use of real information about the continental and oceanic surface distribution of the Earth, and cloudiness data from the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP), we have studied the large-scale cloudiness behavior according to latitude and surface types (ice, water, vegetation and desert). These empirical relationships
    Sanromá, E. et al.

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  • Earthshine observations at high spectral resolution: exploring and detecting metal lines in the Earth's upper atmosphere
    Observations of the Earth as a planet using the earthshine technique (i.e. looking at the light reflected from the dark side of the Moon) have been used for climate and astrobiology studies. They provide information about the planetary albedo, a fundamental parameter of the Earth's energy balance. Here we present, for the first time, observations
    González-Merino, B. et al.

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  • Eclipse Flight of Concorde 001
    On June 30, 1973, Concorde 001 intercepted the path of a solar eclipse over North Africa, Flying at Mach 2.05 the aircraft provided seven observers from France, Britain and the United States with 74 min of totality bounded by extended second (7 min) and third (12 min) contacts. The former permitted searches for time variations of much longer period
    Beckman, J.

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