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  • The 1.5 meter solar telescope GREGOR
    The 1.5 m telescope GREGOR opens a new window to the understanding of solar small-scale magnetism. The first light instrumentation includes the Gregor Fabry Pérot Interferometer (GFPI), a filter spectro-polarimeter for the visible wavelength range, the GRating Infrared Spectro-polarimeter (GRIS) and the Broad-Band Imager (BBI). The excellent
    Schmidt, W. et al.

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  • The Abundance Gradient in NGC 3344
    The steep abundance gradient found by McCall, Shields, and Rybski (1981) in the Sbc galaxy NGC 3344 is confirmed by a measurement of the electron temperature in the outer H II region.
    Pagel, B. E. J. et al.

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  • The abundance of primordial helium: a keystone in our understanding of the Universe
    Not Available
    Luridiana, V.

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  • The abundances of O, S, Cl, N, Ar, He and C in seven Galactic H bt II regions regions
    An analysis of CCD spectra in the range lambda lambda4200 -8775, obtained at several positions of seven bright Galactic H Ii regions, with galactocentric distances in the range 6-10 kpc, is presented. Temperatures, densities and ionic abundances are calculated for all the positions, and the relative trends followed by these parameters are
    Rodríguez, M.

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  • The age decay of stellar magnetic activity in MS field solar-type stars
    The age decay of two indicators of the stellar magnetic activity (λ2800 Mg II emission flux and λ10830 He I equivalent width) have been studied for field solar-type stars. The Li abundance has been used, in most of the cases, as a stellar age indicator. A calibrated decay law for Mg II has been determined and compared with a similar one, recently
    Cabestany, J. et al.

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