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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • The JEM-EUSO observation in cloudy conditions
    The JEM-EUSO (Extreme Universe Space Observatory on-board the Japanese Experiment Module) mission will conduct extensive air shower (EAS) observations on the International Space Station (ISS). Following the ISS orbit, JEM-EUSO will experience continuous changes in the atmospheric conditions, including cloud presence. The influence of clouds on
    Adams, J. H. et al.

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  • The K2-ESPRINT Project V: A Short-period Giant Planet Orbiting a Subgiant Star*
    We report on the discovery and characterization of the transiting planet K2-39b (EPIC 206247743b). With an orbital period of 4.6 days, it is the shortest-period planet orbiting a subgiant star known to date. Such planets are rare, with only a handful of known cases. The reason for this is poorly understood but may reflect differences in planet
    Van Eylen, V. et al.

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  • The kinematic behaviour of optical recombination lines and collisionally excited lines in Galactic planetary nebulae*†
    The kinematics of the plasma in 14 planetary nebulae (PNe) is analysed by measuring the expansion velocities (Vexp) of different ions as derived from their collisionally excited lines (CELs) and optical recombination lines (ORLs). Vexp is analysed as a function of the ionization potential of ions, which at a first approximation represents the
    García-Rojas, J. et al.

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  • The kinematics and morphology of NGC 520: One, two, or three galaxies
    The peculiar galaxy NGC 520 (Arp 157) is often interpreted as an interacting pair of galaxies. The identification of the two bulges and overall morphology of the two galaxies has long been a puzzle which the authors attempt to solve here. New longslit optical spectroscopy and near-infrared images of NGC 520 are presented. These data suggest that
    Stanford, S. A. et al.

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  • The kpc-scale radio source population
    We are conducting a multi-wavelength (radio, optical, and X-ray) observational campaign to classify, morphologically and physically, a sample of 55 flat-spectrum radio sources dominated by structure on kpc-scales. This sample contains 22 compact-/medium-sized symmetric object candidates, a class of objects thought to be in the early stages of the
    Augusto, P. et al.

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  • The LHC: a century of physics from Rutherford's atomic nucleus to Higgs' boson
    Not Available
    Close, F.

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