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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • Young LMC clusters: the role of red supergiants and multiple stellar populations in their integrated light and CMDs
    The optical integrated spectra of three Large Magellanic Cloud young stellar clusters (NGC 1984, NGC 1994 and NGC 2011) exhibit concave continua and prominent molecular bands which deviate significantly from the predictions of single stellar population (SSP) models. In order to understand the appearance of these spectra, we create a set of young
    Asa'd, Randa S. et al.

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  • ZYJHK photometry in Pleiades (Lodieu+, 2007)
    We present the results of a deep wide-field near-infrared survey of 12deg2 of the Pleiades conducted as part of the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT) Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS) Galactic Cluster Survey (GCS). We have extracted over 340 high-probability proper motion (PM) members down to 0.03M{sun} using a combination of UKIDSS
    Lodieu, N. et al.

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  • (1) The effect of magnetic fields on solar abundance determinations (2) The solar photosphere in 3D. This time from observations
    Not Available
    Fabbian, D. et al.

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  • 12 new substellar members in Taurus. Clues for substellar formation models
    Recent studies of the substellar population in the Taurus cloud have revealed a deficit of brown dwarfs compared to the Trapezium cluster population (citealt{Briceno-1998,Luhman-2000,Luhman-2003a,Luhman-2004}) However, these works have concentrated on the highest stellar density regions of the Taurus cloud. We have performed a large scale optical
    Guieu, S. et al.

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