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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • Accurate masses of very low mass stars. III. 16 new or improved masses
    We have obtained adaptive optics images and accurate radial velocities for 7 very low mass objects, In the course of a long term effort to determine accurate masses for very low mass stars (M
    Ségransan, D. et al.

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  • Accurate masses of very low mass stars. IV. Improved mass-luminosity relations
    We present improved visual and near-infrared empirical mass-luminosity relations for very low mass stars (M
    Delfosse, X. et al.

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  • Accurate parameters for HD 209458 and its planet from HST spectrophotometry
    We present updated parameters for the star HD 209458 and its transiting giant planet. The stellar angular diameter θ = 0.2254 ± 0.0017 mas is obtained from the average ratio between the absolute flux observed with the Hubble Space Telescope and that of the best-fitting Kurucz model atmosphere. This angular diameter represents an improvement in
    del Burgo, C. et al.

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  • Adaptive Optics Observations of Active Galactic Nuclei: Zooming into the Central Parsec Region
    First results from the AGN-Heidelberg program aimed at resolving the central pc region of the closest Active Galactic Nuclei in the IR are presented. The core region of prototype active nuclei are clearly unveiled at IR waves and at distances from the nucleus - few pc- where circumnuclear starforming regions appear not to be present. Within that
    Prieto, M. A.

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  • Advances in solar rotation rate inferences: Unstructured grid inversions and improved rotational splittings
    We present a new inversion methodology that adapts the inversion grid in both radius and co-latitude to the data set and solves the inversion problem through an iterative procedure. This method was tested on state-of-the-art global mode frequency splittings to assess the solar interior rotation rate and its temporal variation. We also explore the
    Eff-Darwich, A. et al.

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  • Adventures of a tidally induced bar
    Using N-body simulations, we study the properties of a bar induced in a discy dwarf galaxy as a result of tidal interaction with the Milky Way. The bar forms at the first pericentre passage and survives until the end of the evolution at 10 Gyr. Fourier decomposition of the bar reveals that only even modes are significant and preserve a hierarchy so
    Łokas, E. L. et al.

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