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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • Oscillatory behaviour in sunspot umbrae
    A set of series of spectra of high spectral resolution corresponding to the same umbra on several days, is used to study the oscillations related to evolution of the two main dark cores of it. Differences in the behavior of each core and an evolution in the power spectra not related with the external appearance of the spot are detected. A quite
    Aballe Villero, M. A. et al.

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  • On the continuum intensity-magnetic field relation along the decay phase of sunspots
    A continuum intensity-magnetic field distributions are presented for a decaying sunspot. It is shown that a very simple model accounts for the observed correlation. The Wilson depression is determined.
    Martinez Pillet, V. et al.

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  • Numerical test of a new v-profile inversion technique
    The diagnostic method proposed by Landi Degl'Innocenti and Landolfi (1982), based on the observation of circular polarization, has been generalized to derive the thermodynamic properties of unresolved magnetic elements in the solar atmosphere. The final aim is to derive the height dependence of several parameters of the flux tube atmosphere. A
    Ruiz Cobo, B. et al.

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  • New windows to the universe; Proceedings of the Eleventh European Regional Astronomy Meeting, Universidad de la Laguna, Spain, July 3-8, 1989. Part II
    Recent observational and theoretical investigations of the sun and sunlike stars and of galactic structure and evolution are discussed in reviews and reports. Topics addressed include sunspot-group decay rates for 1874-1976, photometry and spectroscopy of solar granulation along the polar axis and equator, the quiescent radio emission of RS CVn
    Sanchez, F. et al.

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  • Multifrequency behaviour of the X-ray/Be system A 0535 + 26/HDE 245770 at the perioastron passage in March/April 1989
    Not Available
    Giovannelli, F. et al.

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  • Long slit spectroscopy of the nuclear zone of NGC 253
    A study has been undertaken of the physical conditions of the ionized gas within the starburst region of the galaxy NGC 253, using long slit spectroscopy at high spatial and spectral resolution. The aim was to identify the appropriate parameters describing the dynamics of the gas and the excitation conditions, in relation with the starburst process
    Munoz-Tunon, C. et al.

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