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  • J-PLUS: A first glimpse at spectrophotometry of asteroids - The MOOJa catalog
    The Javalambre Photometric Local Universe Survey (J-PLUS) is an observational campaign that aims to obtain photometry in 12 ultraviolet-visible filters (0.3-1 μm) of ∼8 500 deg2 of the sky observable from Javalambre (Teruel, Spain). Due to its characteristics and strategy of observation, this survey will let us analyze a great number of Solar
    Morate, David et al.

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  • Near Ultraviolet Observations of Polana, Eulalia, and Themis Families: Origin of Ryugu and Bennu
    Polana, Eulalia, and Themis are known to have negative spectral slope (blue) in visible wavelengths (VIS). We revisited our observations of those asteroid family members from 2010 to 2012 with the 3.56-m Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (El Roque de Los Muchachos Observatory, La Palma, Spain), in order to characterize their reflectance in the near
    Tatsumi, Eri et al.

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  • NEOROCKS characterization programme of near-Earth asteroids previously observed with radar
    . The NEO Rapid Observation, Characterization and Key Simulations (NEOROCKS) project is funded (2020-2022) through the H2020 European Commission programme to improve our knowledge on near-Earth objects by connecting expertise in performing small body astronomical observations and the related modelling needed to derive their dynamical and physical
    de León, Julia et al.

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  • Physical characterization of near-Earth asteroid (159402) 1999 AP10 in support of the Arecibo Planetary Radar Program within the NEOROCKS project.
    . The near-Earth object (NEO) population is composed of asteroids and comets that have orbits close to the Earth. This population is the most accesible vestige from the building blocks that formed the Solar System, for spacecrafts, and for detailed observations from ground-based facilities. The proximity of these objects give us advantages, but
    Medeiros, Hissa et al.

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  • PRIMASS visits the primitive collisional families in the central asteroid belt:Nemesis, Hoffmeister, and Padua
    Asteroids are the remnant blocks of the early stages of the formation of our Solar System. In particular, those classified as "primitive" are believed to contain the most pristine and almost unprocessed materials (water-bearing minerals, carbon compounds, and organics), and therefore they provide unique information on the formation and evolution of
    Morate, David et al.

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  • Retrieving the transmission spectrum of HD 209458b usingCHOCOLATE: a new Chromatic Doppler Tomography technique
    Multi-band photometric transit observations or low resolution spectroscopy (spectro-photometry) are normally used to retrieve the broadband transmission spectra of transiting exoplanets in order to assess the chemical composition of their atmospheres. In this work, we present an alternative approach for recovering the broadband transmission spectra
    Esparza-Borges, Emma et al.

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