All-sky Meteor Orbit System-Canary Islands

AMOS provides scientific information on meteors - very small fragments of bodies of the Solar system - while entering the atmosphere of the Earth and burning in there. Study of meteors helps us to understand their parent bodies - asteroids and comets and the environment of the Near-Earth space. Locating AMOS in elevation of 2300 m above the sea level, with dark skies and excellent observing conditions allows the system to enhance its efficiency. In addition it provides observation of the northern as well as part of the southern skies. The data will help to improve the model of meteoroid populations around the Earth. These models serves for protection of satellites, space probes and the International Space Station in the orbit around the Earth.
The Small Fibres are imaged onto less than 2 pixels (FWHM) on the TEK6 detector in the spatial and spectral directions. The full spatial image of the fibres is therefore sampled by less than 3 pixels. There may be a slight gain in S/N of the extracted spectrum with respect to the Large Fibre case, as less pixels have to be extracted when sampling the wings of the spatial profile. For Small Fibres, the fibre distance in the WYFFOS entrance slit is 1mm, which transforms onto a peak-to-peak aperture distance of 6-7 pixels on the detector.
Future plans of the working group includes the installation and operation of AMOS in Chile and coverage of the Southern sky. This will allow the monitoring of both hemispheres and will expand the video meteor network to Chile, Canary Islands and Slovakia, which covers 18 hours of the 24 hour day of the Earth.
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