Dwarf galaxies are the most common type of galaxy in the Universe andinclude the most dark-matter-dominated objects known. They offerintriguing insights into...
The hierarchical nature of structure formation predicts that haloes grow by the aggregation of several lower-mass "clumps". A natural consequence of this...
Dynamics of galaxies and globular clusters unraveled with two-dimensional kinematics
Two-dimensional stellar kinematics obtained with the integral-field spectrograph SAURON allow the classification of early-type galaxies into 'slow' and 'fast'...
Early-type galaxies: instructions to build them through mergers
Early-type galaxies: instructions to build them through mergers Massive early-type galaxies (ETGs) are "red and dead" systems mainly composed of old and metal...
Electron densities in HII regions across galaxy discs
When we measure the electron density within an H II region using ratios of emission lines we find characteristic values in the range of 100-300 cm -3. But when...
Entering uncharted territory: the extremely low surface brightness Universe
Current state-of-the-art imaging surveys deliver images with limiting surface brightness of 26.5 mag/arcsec^2. This depth is around 100 times fainter than the...
Galaxy clusters are the most massive gravitationally bound structures in the Universe. They are the sites where exceptional morphological transformations of...
Evidence for secular evolution of disc structural parameters in barred galaxies
I will address the effects of bar-driven secular evolution in discs by comparing their properties in a sample of nearly 700 barred and unbarred massive galaxies...
Evidence of a Distinct Stellar Population in the Counterrotating Core of NGC 1700
We find a distinct stellar population in the counterrotating and kinematically decoupled core of the isolated massive elliptical galaxy NGC 1700. Coinciding...