I will present results from the "Local Volume HI Survey'' (LVHIS), including a multi-wavelength atlas of 82 nearby galaxies. The LVHIS project targets all...
Gas, stars, and globular clusters in the local Universe as tracers of galaxy formation and evolution, and the nature of dark matter
In this talk I will discuss how the stellar, globular cluster (GC), and gas components of galaxies allow us to trace the assembly of galaxies and their dark...
Genuine spectral energy distribution of active galactic nuclei
Spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of the central few tens of parsec region of some of the nearest active galactic nuclei (AGN) are presented. Peering into...
Globular cluster systems and the origin of early-type dwarfs in Virgo
Early-type dwarfs (dEs) are by far the most abundant galaxy population in nearby clusters. Whether these objects are primordial, or recent end-products of the...
Globular clusters as a dynamical probe of dark matter
Gravitational dynamical friction affecting the orbits of globular clusters (GCs) was studied extensively as a possible formation mechanism for nuclear star...
Globular clusters systems and their host dark matter halos
In the Λ-CDM galaxy formation paradigm, the star formation history of a galaxy is coupled to the total mass of its dark matter halo through processes like...
Long Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) are the most dramatic examples of massive stellar deaths, usually associated with supernovae ( Woosley et al. 2006). They release...
Growing black holes: from the first seeds to active galactic nuclei
One of the most puzzling questions in the field of galaxy evolution is how agalaxy manages to grow a supermassive black hole of 10^6-10^9 solar masses atits...
GTC spectroscopic study of stellar clusters in M81
The nearby spiral galaxy M81 contains a population of 3 kinds of stellar clusters - super star clusters, globular clusters and fuzzy clusters. Over the past few...