Un Contrato Postdoctoral PI2FA OBSERVACIONES 2019/One Postdoctoral contract PI2FA OBSERVACIONES (PS-2019-075)

Application deadline
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Management unit / information
corinv [at] iac.es
Position code
Job vacancies
Professional category

The IAC (Tenerife) announces ONE postdoctoral contract to work on topics within the European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant project “Partial Ionisation: 2-fluid approach” (PI2FA), led by Dra. Elena Khomenko.

Research topics at the IAC cover most fields of astrophysics, including solar physics, planetary systems, stellar and interstellar physics, formation and evolution of galaxies, and cosmology and astroparticles. These fields are supported by an ambitious instrumentation programme. In 2015, the IAC was granted by the Spanish Government the status of Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence for research; it is the second time that this prestigious honour has been awarded to the IAC as a leading Spanish research centre. For further information on the IAC's research programme, observatories, and the GTC 10.4m telescope consult the IAC's website (http://www.iac.es).

Tasks: The successful candidate will pursue research related to the following fields:

  • Analyze observational data from the ground-based and space telescopes with a specific purpose to trace multifluid effects;
  • Design and lead observing campaigns on existing facilities, aimed at the detection of multifluid effects;
  • Stokes diagnostics of multifluid simulations to guide observing campaigns on the exiting telescopes and on the future 4-meter class solar telescopes.

The candidates must have a good publication record and provide evidence of experience in leading original research.

Requirements: To be included in the selection process, the candidate must be in possession of a Doctoral degree in Astrophysics or Physics by the date of the deadline for the submission of applications (November 30, 2019). A copy of the candidate's doctoral degree certificate (or official notification from the university that awarded the degree) must be included with the application. Candidates who have not received their doctorate before the deadline will be excluded from the selection process.

Selection and Evaluation System: The selection process consists of two stages: assessment of merits and an interview.

1) First Phase: Assessment of Merits: The selection panel will check and award points for duly documented and accredited merits of the candidates. The maximum score that can be awarded for the assessment of merits is 80 points, which will be the sum of the points obtained in each of two sections:

a) Maximum score: 60 points

  • Scientific and technical contributions to the field of research.
  • Scientific publications, in both quantity and quality, as listed in the Science Citation Index (SCI); contributions to conferences; teaching tasks; scientific activity committees, conference scientific organizing committees, organization of conferences, journal refereeing, and stays at other centres.
  • Several aspects will be taken into consideration, such as the time passed since receiving the PhD award, periods of inactivity for medical reasons, training or professional experience in other fields, as well as caring for elderly relatives, maternity/paternity leave, etc., in the evaluation of the merits.

b) Maximum score: 20 points

The suitability and experience of the candidate in one or more of the following aspects:

  • Experience in analyzing spectropolarimetric observations
  • Experience with ground-based and space telescopes and instruments
  • Use and development of radiative transfer codes for Stokes diagnostics of simulations and inversions of observational data.

Form of accreditation for both sections: A report of the candidate's technical and research activity, accompanied by documentation accrediting the activities mentioned.

2) Second Phase.- Interview. (Maximum score: 20 points)

Candidates who have obtained the minimum score to pass the first phase (50 points) will be invited to participate in the second phase (interview) at a specified date and time. The interview may take place in person or via internet telephony that permits the transmission of voice and image (Zoom).

In the interview phase, the candidates will have 10 minutes in which to expound their view on how their professional profile fits the post advertised and how they envisage the development of their scientific activity should they succeed in obtaining the post. The Tribunal will then go on to question them on the contents of their presentation and on any other aspects that they deem relevant.

The presentation may be given in either Spanish or English.

In this phase, a score of between 0 and 20 points will be awarded, of which:

  • Up to 10 points will correspond to the adaptation of the candidate's professional profile to the post advertised.
  • Up to 10 points will correspond to the candidate's vision of the future and scientific development in the post applied for.

A minimum score of 15 points will be required in order to pass this second phase.

Passing the Selective Process: A minimum score of 65 points will be needed to pass the selective process.

Within the framework of the present Equality Plan, if there is a draw in the score of various candidates of distinct sex, the criteria applicable to a draw will be applied in the following order of preference:

  • If there is disequilibrium in the distribution of posts according to sex in the unit responsible for advertising the post such that women occupy less than 40% of the existing posts, the first criterion will award the post advertised to the woman.
  • If there is a draw among persons of the same sex, or if the distribution is balanced, in the case of a draw, the stalemate will be resolved in favour of the candidate who obtained the highest score in the second phase ('presentation by the candidate').
  • If the draw persists, recourse will be made to the score awarded for merits in part a) of the first phase. Should the situation of a draw still persist, recourse will be made to part b) of the first phase.

Training: Candidates who obtained their doctorate at the IAC must provide accreditation of a period of complementary training at other research centres. The required period is a full continuous year or 18 accumulated months (including periods of training during doctoral studies).

Duration: The appointment is initially for a period of 3 years, with a possible extension till the end date of the project, subject to evaluation of performance. The starting date is expected to be during January, 2020. In any case the contract will not be extended later than August 31, 2023 (finalization of the project).

Remuneration: The gross annual salary will be 34.092 Euros, with deductions of up to 20% for income tax (IRPF) and social security (dependent on the candidate's personal situation). The contract provides social security cover for spouse or de facto partner and children.

Support for incorporation: The present job offer includes financial support (for the person selected only) for the following: air ticket (arranged by the IAC), stay at a hotel (reservation made by the IAC) for a maximum of two weeks, and a per diem and a per diem rate for a total of two weeks. This financial support cannot exceeding 2,500 Euros.

Applicants from outside the EU: Applicants who are not citizens of a member country of the European Union must keep in mind that, although they may present their applications, if they obtain the post they cannot sign a contract with the IAC until they have obtained the regulatory documentation (NIE card) to reside and work in Spain.

Presentation of applications: Applications must be sent electronically via the telematic application system http://research.iac.es/jobs/ before the deadline set out in this advertisement. Alternatively, you may follow the instructions given in the corresponding official advertisement on our website.

The following documentation must be sent in a single PDF file:

  • Application form (Annex I, duly filled in and signed, including the correct name and code of the post offered).
  • Copy of national identity document or passport (it must coincide with the number included in Annex I).
  • CV, containing list of publications
  • Report on research activity and justification of suitability for the post (not exceeding 2 pages)
  • Copy of the Doctoral degree or certified proof of being in possession of a doctorate (in Spanish or English)

You should also include the names and email addresses of at least two (and not more than three) scientists familiar with your work.

Applicants who do not include Annex I (the only mandatory document that cannot be later changed or added), fail to fill it in correctly, or include the tittle of another advertisement, will be excluded from this selective process. Candidates who have omitted any other of the required documents will have five working days, counting from the publication of the provisional list of admitted and excluded applicants, to make good the omission that resulted in their exclusion (except for those applicants who did not complete/include Annex I correctly and remain definitively excluded).

Contact: For further information please contact the project PI, Dra. Elena Khomenko (khomenko [at] iac.es (khomenko at iac.es)).

Selection tribunal