Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC)

Description and functions

The Law 14/2011,of June 1 on Science, Technology and Innovation, which defines the legal regime of the IAC, established that the IAC´s organic, functional and financial procedures be determined in the Statutes that were approved by the Governing Board on July 2012 and published in the Official Bulletin on March 17, 2014 (and updated December 2018). These statutes established a Scientific Advisory Council (SAC) as an external consultative and advisory body for the IAC. This Council is the highest advisory committee and has a minimum of five internationally relevant members in the field of astrophysics-astronomy research and technological development. The functions of the SAC are extremely important for the IAC since they include the evaluation of the research activity, the analysis of its scientific and technological production and the evaluation of the training achievements of the scientific and technical staff, as well as its dissemination of Astronomy. The SAC meets once a year, during spring. Last meeting was organized on July 8th.

Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias Scientific Advisory Commission Charter 

1. The Scientific Advisory Commission (SAC) is the external advisory body that advises the  Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) on the orientation of its scientific and technical  policies. It also serves as the IAC's external evaluation committee. 

2. In evaluating the IAC's research activity, the SAC will analyze the IAC's scientific and  technological achievements for the period under consideration, as well as what was done  in training scientific and technical personnel and in disseminating astronomy. The  evaluation will take into account the reports that address the Strategic Multiannual Action  Plan and the corresponding Annual Action Plan. If necessary, the SAC may carry out part of  its evaluation in person. 

3. It will have five members, with a minimum of three belonging to international  organizations, appointed by the Governing Council (Consejo Rector) from personnel who are not IAC staff and who are internationally recognized in the field of astronomical  research and technological development. Membership will be for a maximum of three  years and will be renewed so that a new member is appointed each year.  

The Chair of each session will be elected from among the members of the SAC. 

4. At the SAC's discretion, the Director of the IAC may participate as a guest in the meetings of the Commission. 

5. The Commission will meet at the request of the Governing Council or the Director. 

6. Among the functions of the SAC are: 

a) Propose to the Director of the IAC scientific policy guidelines and institutional  strategies to be followed by the IAC. 

b) Oversee the scientific and technological activities of the IAC at the request of the  Governing Council, the Chair, or the Director. 

c) Make recommenda+ons to the IAC's Strategic Multiannual Action Plan.

d) Evaluate the candidates presented for the position of Director of the IAC.

Committee members