OSIRIS Nasmyth-B

It will be dismounted at the arrival of GTCAO in mid-2018, and will be moved to main Cassegrain station once available (estimated in mid-2019). 7.8 x 7.8 arcmin field.
Broad- medium- and narrow-band imaging.
Tunable filter imaging.
Fast photometry capabilities.
Long-slit and multi-object spectroscopy.
Spectral resolutions 300 to 2500.
Range: 3650Å to 10 000Å
Optical broad (u'g'r'i'z';); SHARDS, tunable filters
Scale: 0.127''/px - FoV: 7.8'x7.8'
Range: 3500-10000Å
Resolution: 300-2500
Slit-length: 7.4'
MOS: FoV: 7.5'x6'