Images of the IAC astronomical calendar 2022. Credit: Daniel López / Alfred Rosenberg / Oswaldo González / Sebastián Hidalgo / IAC / Museos de Tenerife.
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The Unit of Communication and Scientific Culture (UC3) of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) in collaboration with the Museum of Science and the Cosmos (Museums of Tenerife) has edited an astronomical wall calendar, with astronomical ephemerides for the year 2022, which can be consulted and downloaded in digital form and can be obtained in physical form at the IAC Headquarters in La Laguna. The 12 astronomical images which illustrate it have been obtained by astrophotographer Daniel López (The Canary Sky) and the astrophysicists Alfred Rosenberg (IAC), Oswaldo González (MCC, Museums of Tenerife) and Sebastián Hidalgo (IAC). As well as this calendar there is also a calendar in poster format, with the image of the Veil Nebula.
- The Wall Calendar (link to the document)
- The Poster calendar (link to the pdf document)