The astrophysicist Juan Antonio Belmonte, one of the curators of the "Lights of the Universe" exhibition, explaining to the authorities the distribution of the various modules of the exhibition. Credits:Daniel López/IAC.
Visitors to the "Lights of the Universe" exhibition in front of the interactive module "Solar Immersion" on the upper floor of the Art Gallery of the Institute of the Canaries, Cabrera Pinto (La Laguna). Credits: Daniel López/IAC
Visitors to the "Lights of the Universe" exhibition studying the panels dedicated to the history of the IAC and its observatories. Credits: Daniel López/IAC
Visitors to the "Lights of the Universe" exhibition in front of the "Kaleidoscope of the GTC" module where visitors can experience wraparound images. Credits: Daniel López / IAC
The Director of the IAC, Rafael Rebolo, the President of the Cabildo of Tenerife, Carlos Alonso, the director of the ACIISI, Juan Ruiz Alzola, and the Director General of Culture of the Canarian Government, Xerach Gutiérrez Ortega, with the Curators of th
Moment of the delivery of the special prize of the Commission of Seminars to the group of astrophysicists, engineers and communicators who voluntarily participate in actions dedicated to making women in science visible