Visitors to the "Lights of the Universe" exhibition in one of the rooms of the Art Gallery of the Institute of the Canaries, Cabrera Pinto (La Laguna) Download Visitors to the "Lights of the Universe" exhibition in one of the rooms of the Art Gallery of the Institute of the Canaries, Cabrera Pinto (La Laguna) Created at 06/08/2015 Authors Daniel López Prieto Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) Credits Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) Description Visitors to the "Lights of the Universe" exhibition in one of the rooms of the Art Gallery of the Institute of the Canaries, Cabrera Pinto (La Laguna) Type: image Outreach
Imagen de Alba Peláez, ingeniera de IACTEC, durante la puesta a punto del montaje óptico para medir las prestaciones del instrumento DRAGO durante los ensayos de termo-vacío Read more