This Thursday, February 6th, the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, IAC, welcomes the meeting to launch the European project CELESTE (Cutting Edge Leap to Excellence in Space and Optics Technologies). This project, led by the IAC, started on January 1st, and will last until the end of 2030; it has received 12 million euros of funding through the European Research Executive Agency (REA) which is complemented by funding from the Government of the Canaries and from the Cabildo of Tenerife, with 6 million euros from each.
The aim of the CELESTE project is to place the Canary Islands as a centre of excellence for frontline research and technological development in the space and optics fields. With this aim it is receiving support from two leading institutions: the National Centre for Scientific Research of France (CNRS) and the European Space Agency (ESA)
The principal investigator of CELESTE, Rafael Rebolo, opened the meeting, which is taking place at the headquarters of IACTEC in La Laguna. Among those participating in the opening act are Migdalia Machin, the Councillor for Universities, Science and Innovation, and Culture, of the Canary Government, Juan José Martínez, the Councillor for Innovation, Research, and Development of the Cabildo of Tenerife, and Valentín Martínez Pillet, the Director of the IAC.
The councillor of the Canary government, Migdalia Machín stressed that today is a day for congratulations for the scientific and technological community in the Canaries because “we have some unique strengths: a top ranked research community, stablished infrastructures, and a privileged location. This allows the Canaries to be a key place in the Aeronautics and Optics field. CELESTE reinforces our position, internationally and in Europe, because it is a proJect with collaboration by ESA among other institutions.

The island councillor Juan José Martínez noted that “the CELESTE project recognizes the IAC’s level of world excellence in the development of its activities, which in addition can be transformed into productive activity. Martínez stated that there are companies in this field in the Science and Technology Park of the Cabildo of Tenerife, and that requests for new incorporations had been received. “This brings out the effort we are making in the Cabildo of Tenerife” explained Martínez, and pointed up the importance which CELESTE will have in the aerospace sector in the Canaries with the launching of the first constellation of satellites designed, built, and with technology defined in the IACTEC installations.

The Director of the IAC, Valentín Martínez Pillet pointed out that the CELESTE project will make a reality of “a goal which the IAC has had for a long time, connecting with the general public. At the IAC we have the observatories, and pioneering research, but we have optical and aerospace technologies which have been confined to the IAC, and with CELESTE we are going to achieve benefits to the whole of Canary society, including companies, from this technology”. As examples of these developments Martínez Pillet mentioned optical communication, which is more efficient than communication by radio. In addition, the Head of the IAC insisted in expressing thanks for the support of the Government of the Canaries and of the Cabildo of Tenerife, who have made possible the IAC’s project.
Strategic Project.
CELESTE has the support of the Government of the Canaries, which has described it as one of the strategic projects in the area of Astrophysics, Space, and Aeronautics. It has also received a driving force from the Cabildo of Tenerife.
The objective of the project is to foster the technological capacity of the technology division of the IAC, IACTEC, and convert it into a centre of excellence by reinforcing and amplifying its experience in front-line technology of detection in the visible and infrared, in integrated microelectronics and photonics, in adaptive optics using IA-based algorithms, communication and distribution of quantum keys and quantum technologies suitable for space, which will also bring about advances in the capacity to observe from the ground, in Astrophysics and in the New Space communications sector (small satellites). All of this with a view to the possible industrial and commercial transfer which will start to strengthen companies with technological bases.
In addition, CELESTE will contribute to the manufacture of payloads for micro and nano satellite, which will incorporate new optical detection technologies, as well as the integration of microelectronics and photonics. The project will promote collaboration with prestigious international institutions and with experts in diverse areas. Finally, it seeks to create innovative products with industrial and commercial impact in multiple fields, such as the industry of the application of ultra-light optical systems, the integrated photonics industry, and aerospace.