The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) and the University of La Laguna (ULL) strengthened their relationship via an agreement to regulate the teaching and research collaboration between the two institutions. The agreement sets up an operational structure and the various commitments so that the two institutions can develop successfully their objectives of creating and spreading knowledge through scientific activity and unitersity teaching.
The agreement was signed yesterday in the IACTEC building in the La Laguna Science and Technology Park (in Las Mantecas) by Rafael Rebolo, the Director of the IAC and Rosa Mª Aguilar, the Rector of the ULL. The agreement has an initial duration fo four years, and includes in its clauses the commitment to a number of activities, such as the possibilities for effective participation in IAC projects by the University’s research personnel, the assurance of including in scientific publications the affiliation of the Department of Astrophysics of the ULL as well as that of the IAC itself, and to recognize the right of pre- and post-doctoral researchers at the IAC to collaborate in the teaching in the Department of Astrophysics.
The agreement also guarantees the continuity and the necessary renovation, for reasons of age, of the personnel of the Department of Astrophysics, to prepare for a brilliant future in this field of knowledge, and commits the IAC to supporting the university studies of the Master’s degree in Astrophysics of the University with annual studenships. It also protects the moral rights of intellectual property of inventionas and results stemming from projects which are carried out jointly, and considers the creation of a Commission for Oversight, Vigilance, and Control, tu supervise the progress of the agreement, among other commitments.