
This section includes scientific and technological news from the IAC and its Observatories, as well as press releases on scientific and technological results, astronomical events, educational projects, outreach activities and institutional events.

  • PODEMOS SER COMPETITIVOS EN I+D+i , también ahora (Análisis de un caso de éxito: ASTROFÍSICA ESPAÑOLA) Francisco Sánchez Foro España Innova, 6/2/2012 No voy a hablarles esta mañana ni de planetas extrasolares, ni de estrellas de neutrones, agujeros negros, materia obscura, energía obscura, ni de ninguna otra maravilla del misterioso Universo al que pertenecemos. Tampoco es mi intención hacer un discurso apologético, resaltando los mil y un beneficios de la Ciencia y del poder de la investigación para promover la competitividad y la recuperación económica, (todos los aquí presentes ya lo
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  • The discovery of two white dwarfs that will soon merge will allow scientist to test Eintein's General Relativity. As depicted in this artist's impression,  mass will flow from one of the white dwarfs to the other in less than a million years, and the syst
    We report the detection of orbital decay in the 12.75-minute, detached binary white dwarf (WD) SDSS J065133.338+284423.37 (hereafter J0651). Our   photometric observations over a 13 month baseline constrain the orbital period to 765.206543 (55) s and indicate that the orbit is decreasing at a rate of  (- 9.8 ± 2.8) ´10 -12 s/s  (or -0.31 ± 0.09 ms/yr). We revise the system parameters based on our new photometric and spectroscopic observations: J0651 contains two WDs with M 1 = 0.26 ± 0.04 M sun and M 2 = 0.50 ± 0.04 M sun.  General relativity predicts orbital decay due to  gravitational wave
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  • Out best-fit model for the rotation curve of the Milky Way. Asterisks represent the natural weighted radial bins derived from observational data by Sofue et al. (2009) with their associated error bars. The different lines represent the contribution of the
    The study of the disk rotation curve of our Galaxy at large distances provides an interesting scenario for us to test whether magnetic fields should be considered as a non-negligible dynamical ingredient. By assuming a bulge, an exponential disk for the stellar and gaseous distributions, and a dark halo and disk magnetic fields, we fit the rotation velocity of the Milky Way. In general, when the magnetic contribution is added to the dynamics, a better description of the rotation curve is obtained. Our main conclusion is that magnetic fields should be taken into account for the Milky Way
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