
This section includes scientific and technological news from the IAC and its Observatories, as well as press releases on scientific and technological results, astronomical events, educational projects, outreach activities and institutional events.

  • Image en banda z of a Y dwarf, WISE1217+1626. The red circle indicates the position of the Y dwarf on the GTC image whereas the black circle denominates the position of the discovery image.
    The aim of the project is to contribute to the characterisation of the spectral energy distribution of the coolest brown dwarfs discovered to date, the Y dwarfs.We obtained z-band far-red imaging for six Y dwarfs and a T9+Y0 binary with the OSIRIS (Optical System for Imaging and low Resolution Integrated Spectroscopy) instrument on the 10.4-m Gran Telescopio de Canarias (GTC).We detect five of the seven known Y dwarfs in the z-band, infer theioptical-to-infrared colours, and measure their proper motions. We find a higher dispersion in the z-J and z-H colours of Y0 dwarfs than in T dwarfs
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  • High-resolution optical spectra (in black) and best model fits (in red) in the Li I 6708 Å region for the AGB stars RU Ari, R Cen, SV Cas, and RU Cyg. The derived Li (in the usual scale log N(X) + 12) are indicated. Synthetic spectra obtained for Li abund
    Low− and intermediate-mass (0.8 < M < 8 solar mass) stars constitute most of the stars in the Universe and they end their lives with a phase of strong mass loss and thermal pulses (TP) on the Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB). AGB stars are fundamental to understand the chemical evolution of galaxies because they are one of the main contributors to the chemical enrichment (e.g. C, N, Li, F, and s-process elements) of the interstellar medium where new stars and planets born. In particular, the more massive (>4-5 solar mass) AGB stars experience Hot Bottom Burning (HBB), i.e. proton-capture
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  • The neighborhood of NGC1277 as seen by the HST F625W filter. The left panel shows the two closest galaxies whose light contaminate  NGC1277.  The right panel shows NGC1277 after the subtraction of the contaminant light.  The results indicates that NGC1277
    As early as 10 Gyr ago, galaxies with more than 10 ^11 M_sun in stars already existed. While most of these  massive galaxies must have subsequently transformed through on-going star formation and mergers with other galaxies, a small fraction (<0.1%) may have survived untouched till today. Searches for such relic galaxies, useful windows to explore the early Universe, have been inconclusive to date: galaxies with masses and sizes like those observed at high redshift (M_*>10 ^11 M_sun; R_e<1.5 kpc) have been found in the local Universe, but their stars are far too young for the galaxy to be a
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  • VIMOS-IFU spectroscopy of the shock front in the remnant of SN 1006. The top-left panel shows a composite imageof the full remnant (≈30′ in diameter), combining data from the Very Large Array and Green Bank Telescope (red;NRAO/AUI/NSF/GBT/VLA/Dyer, Maddal
    Supernova remnants are among the most spectacular examples of astrophysical pistons in our cosmic neighborhood. The gas expelled by the supernova explosion is launched with velocities ∼1000 km/s into the ambient, tenuous interstellar medium, producing shocks that excite hydrogen lines. We have used an optical integral-field spectrograph to obtain high-resolution spatial-spectral maps that allow us to study in detail the shocks in the northwestern rim of supernova 1006. The two-component Halpha line is detected at 133 sky locations. Variations in the broad line widths and the broad-to-narrow
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  • Rotation plays a key role in the life cycles of stars with masses above 8 Msun. Hence, accurate knowledge of the rotation rates of such massive stars is critical for understanding their properties and for constraining models of their evolution.This paper investigates the reliability of current methods used to derive projected rotation speeds v sin i from line-broadening signatures in the photospheric spectra of massive stars, focusing on stars that are not rapidly rotating.We use slowly rotating magnetic O-stars with well-determined rotation periods to test the Fourier transform (FT) and
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  • Artist's impression of complex fullerenes (carbon onions or multishell fullerenes such as C60@C240 and C60@C240@C540) produced by a planetary nebula and expelled into the interstellar medium. The connection between these molecules and certain diffuse inte
    We have found evidence that the presence of ‘carbon onions’ and other large molecules derived from fullerene could be commonplace in space. These are the most complex molecules detected so far and their discovery has important implications regarding our understanding of circumstellar and interstellar physics and chemisty, as well as of molecular processes in the final stages of stellar evolution. The work also provides new insights into understanding the origin and composition of the so-called diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs), one of the most enigmatic phenomena in astrophysics. Discovered
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