
This section includes scientific and technological news from the IAC and its Observatories, as well as press releases on scientific and technological results, astronomical events, educational projects, outreach activities and institutional events.

  • HST imaging and narrow and broad components ALMA maps of ID2299 (adapted from Puglisi et al. 2021).
    Feedback-driven winds from star formation or active galactic nuclei might be a relevant channel for the abrupt quenching of star formation in massive galaxies. However, both observations and simulations support the idea that these processes are non-conflictingly co-evolving and self-regulating. Furthermore, evidence of disruptive events that are capable of fast quenching is rare, and constraints on their statistical prevalence are lacking. Here we present a massive starburst galaxy at redshift z=1.4, which is ejecting ~46% of its molecular gas mass at a startling rate of >10,000 solar masses
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  • Distribution of red luminous galaxies and the corresponding cosmic web at redshift 0.4-0.7 using 10 redshift snapshots to describe the cosmic evolution in the computations (left panel; galaxies and the underlying cosmic web in red and grey, respectively). The primordial density fluctuations at redshift 100 are shown in the right panel. It is shown how the survey mask and radial selection effects are considered and the whole volume in the box is sampled with Bayesian models.
    We present COSMIC BIRTH (COSMological Initial Conditions from Bayesian Inference Reconstructions with THeoretical models): an algorithm to reconstruct the primordial and evolved cosmic density fields from galaxy surveys on the light-cone. The displacement and peculiar velocity fields are obtained from forward modelling at different redshift snapshots given some initial cosmic density field within a Gibbs-sampling scheme. This allows us to map galaxies, observed in a light-cone, to a single high redshift and hereby provide tracers and the corresponding survey completeness in Lagrangian space
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  • The presence of ionized gas around galaxies with moves with them leaves a trace in the microwave background radiation (left panel) which can be detected knowing the pattern of velocities of the galaxies provided by the map of fluctuations in their redshift (right panel). Credit: Carlos Hernández-Monteagudo (IAC).
    Scientists estimate that dark matter and dark energy together are some 95% of the gravitational material in the universe while the remaining 5% is baryonic matter, which is the “normal” matter composing stars, planets, and living beings. However for decades almost one half of this matter has not been found either. Now, using a new technique, a team in which the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) has participated, has shown that this “missing” baryonic matter is found filling the space between the galaxies as hot, low density gas. The same technique also gives a new tool that shows
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  • Firma acuerdo IAC y CNRS
    El Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) y el Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), el mayor organismo público de investigación de Francia, firmaron ayer, reunidos por videoconferencia y en el marco de las actividades de la XXVI Cumbre Hispano-Francesa, un acuerdo por el que se establece la creación del primer laboratorio internacional del CNRS en territorio español. Firmaron el convenio el Dr. Guy Perrin, director del I nstitut National des Sciences de l'Univers ( INSU ) del CNRS, y el Prof. Rafael Rebolo, director del IAC, en presencia de otros miembros directivos y
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  • Artist’s conception of waves trapped between the surface of a sunspot (lower image, taken with GREGOR/GFPI) and the transition region (upper image, by courtesy of NASA/SDO and AIA). Credit: Gabriel Pérez Díaz, SMM (IAC).
    Umbral flashes are sudden brightenings commonly visible in the core of some chromospheric lines. Theoretical and numerical modeling suggests that they are produced by the propagation of shock waves. According to these models and early observations, umbral flashes are associated with upflows. However, recent studies have reported umbral flashes in downflowing atmospheres. We aim to understand the origin of downflowing umbral flashes. We explore how the existence of standing waves in the umbral chromosphere impacts the generation of flashed profiles. We performed numerical simulations of wave
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  • Artistic recreation of a hypothetical exoplanet with artificial lights on the night side. Credit: Rafael Luis Méndez Peña/
    A researcher at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) is the lead author of a study with proposals for “technosignatures” -evidence for the use of technology or industrial activity in other parts of the Universe- for future NASA missions. The article, published in the specialized journal Acta Astronautica, contains the initial conclusions of a meeting of experts in the search for intelligent extraterrestrial life, sponsored by the space agency to gather advice about this topic.
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