
This section includes scientific and technological news from the IAC and its Observatories, as well as press releases on scientific and technological results, astronomical events, educational projects, outreach activities and institutional events.

  • Figure caption:Rubidium is detected as a strong absorption line at 780 nanometers. The spectra (in red) of three rubidium-rich stars discovered in the Magellanic Clouds are shown together with one of the ESO/VLT telescopes used in this study and the Large
    We have identified for the first time extragalactic rubidium-rich Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars in low metallicity environments such as the Magellacnic Clouds. AGB stars are the late stages in the evolution of low- and intermediate mass (1-8 solar mass) stars, when they develop thermal instabilities in the He-burning shell and suffer extreme mass loss. Thus, AGB stars are a principal contributor to the enrichment of the interstellar medium and so to the chemical evolution of galaxies, being fantastic laboratories to test the theory of stellar evolution and nucleosynthesis. The more
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  • The main result of this analysis is the finding of an important phase of bulge growing at z~1, where a meaningful fraction of galaxies show high nuclear surface densities and blue colors that correspond, probably, to strong episodes of star formation conf
    The ideas on the formation history of disk galaxy bulges can beconfronted with direct observations of high redshift bulge precursors. Of vital importance is the search for strong episodes of star formation in the nuclei of the galaxies. Those episodes can result from secular processes that drive material from the outer regions inward, related to the phenomenon of the pseudobulges in the local Universe. Alternatively, they can be a consequence of rejuvenation procesess of old and red classical bulges formed at high redshifts. It is possible to distinguish between both types of bulges using a
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  • Talleres, conferencias, observaciones y la inauguración de uno de los mayores telescopios del mundo son algunas de las actividades que tiene preparado el Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias con motivo del Año Internacional de la Astronomía.
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  • Teniendo ya a la vista el Año Internacional de la Astronomía, desde el Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias queremos poner a vuestra disposición una serie de tarjetas navideñas para todo aquel que desee descargárselas desde nuestro portal. ¡Feliz Navidad y astronómico año 2009!
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  • Hace unos meses apareció publicado un libro bajo el título “¿Dios o la materia?” (Ed. Altera, 2008). Podría parecer una obra más de las muchas que se han lanzado al mercado editorial como remedio homeopático para la existencia. Sin embargo, dos aspectos llaman la atención: el primero, que se plantee bajo signos de interrogación, lo que sugiere la sana costumbre de proponer preguntas en lugar de ofrecer verdades únicas; y el segundo, un tentador subtítulo aclarando lo que en él se ofrece:”un debate sobre cosmología, ciencia y religión”. Es decir, que nos encontramos en un cruce de caminos, un
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