
This section includes scientific and technological news from the IAC and its Observatories, as well as press releases on scientific and technological results, astronomical events, educational projects, outreach activities and institutional events.

  • Antonio Calvo Roy is the President of the Spanish Association of Science Communication (AECC) and strongly supports the professionalization of science outreach, as indeed he must. He insists on the importance of support for science among communicators, and in the need for specialized journalists, both in the editorial offices of the media and in the press offices of scientific institutions. Calvo Roy will be a member of one of the panels during the meeting “100Xciencia” which will take place between 7th and 9th October in La Palma.
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  • “Every seven seconds a dementia is developed somewhere in the world”.  The Institute of Neurosciences (IN) is a centre belonging to the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) and to the University Miguel Hernández (UMH), created fifteen years ago, and one of the twenty Spanish centres which has won the Severo Ochoa award of Quality. Its Director, Juan Lerma, will deliver one of the lectures to the “100Xciencia” Forum, in which he will give an account of the present and future challenges it faces. In his capacity as a researcher, he says that “Understanding the brain is one of
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  • Gracias al acuerdo firmado entre ambas instituciones, el Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) concede 25 ayudas a jóvenes periodistas científicos o estudiantes de periodismo de últimos cursos y de distintos países para asistir a “100xCIENCIA”, uno de los encuentros más importantes en esta materia y que levanta más expectación internacional.
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  • Image of the comic web gas simulated by Claudio Dalla Vecchia, IAC researcher. The center of the red halo shows a galaxy in the process of formation. The simulation has been carried out using the supercomputer MareNostrum, within the project EAGLE/ADGE. C
    Using the GTC telescope, an international team lead be astronomers of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) has detected galaxies feeding directly from cosmic web gas. The observation is both expected and surprising – gas feeding is expected from theory, but had never been observed before.
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  • El eclipse total de Luna, que tuvo lugar la madrugada de hoy, 28 de septiembre, entre las 3:11 y las 4:23 hora local en Canarias (una hora más en la Península Ibérica), fue observado por varios grupos del Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) desde diferentes localizaciones de las Islas. Un equipo de astrónomos del proyecto europeo GLORIA, liderado por el investigador del IAC Miquel Serra-Ricart, retransmitió en directo, a través de la web ( y en colaboración con TVE, el espectáculo astronómico desde tres islas del Archipiélago Canario: Tenerife, Fuerteventura y La Palma
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