
This section includes scientific and technological news from the IAC and its Observatories, as well as press releases on scientific and technological results, astronomical events, educational projects, outreach activities and institutional events.

  • PODEMOS SER COMPETITIVOS EN I+D+i , también ahora (Análisis de un caso de éxito: ASTROFÍSICA ESPAÑOLA) Francisco Sánchez Foro España Innova, 6/2/2012 No voy a hablarles esta mañana ni de planetas extrasolares, ni de estrellas de neutrones, agujeros negros, materia obscura, energía obscura, ni de ninguna otra maravilla del misterioso Universo al que pertenecemos. Tampoco es mi intención hacer un discurso apologético, resaltando los mil y un beneficios de la Ciencia y del poder de la investigación para promover la competitividad y la recuperación económica, (todos los aquí presentes ya lo
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  • Stellar radial velocity curve for DY Cen. The deviations of observations to the computed fit for the best orbital parameters are shown in the bottom. The notation of the observations is shown in the inset.
    The stellar origin of the extremely hydrogen-deficient R Coronae Borealis (RCB) stars has remained a mystery for astronomers since their discovery more than two hundred years ago.  Two competing scenarios are commonly advocated. In the first one, a final helium shell flash occurs on a cooling white dwarf star or a very late thermal pulse is experienced by a post-AGB star. The second scenario involves the merger of two white dwarfs: a carbon–oxygen white dwarf accretes ahelium white dwarf. Evidence from the chemical compositions of RCB stars suggests that most are products of a merger
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  • Bar fraction distribution as function of the galaxy magnitudes (left panels) and masses (right panels). The bar fraction calculated using all the Hubble types (fT) and only the disk galaxies (fD) are plotted in the upper and bottom panels, respectively. T
    The effects that interactions produce on galaxy disks and how they modify the subsequent formation of bars need to be distinguished to fully understand the relationship between bars and environment. To this aim we derive the bar fraction in three different environments ranging from the field to Virgo and Coma Clusters, covering an unprecedentedly large range of galaxy luminosities (or, equivalently, stellar masses). We confirm that the fraction of barred galaxies strongly depends on galaxy luminosity. We also show that the difference between the bar fraction distributions as a function of
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