
This section includes scientific and technological news from the IAC and its Observatories, as well as press releases on scientific and technological results, astronomical events, educational projects, outreach activities and institutional events.

  • NGC 4993 galaxy and position of GW170817, two merging neutron stars. Credti: Hubble Space Telescope.
    The IAC has participated in the detection of the counterpart, in the visible, the infrared and X-rays, of the source of gravitational waves GW170817 (neutron stars merging). The results are being published in the journals Nature and Astrophysical Journal. This is the first time that the electromagnetic counterpart of a gravitational wave event has been detected, which has been announced this morning in pressconferences organized by the research groups involved, among them the Universidad de las Illes Balears and the Universidad de Valencia, along with large part of the astrophysic and
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  • Mural in honor to Henrietta Leavitt elaborated by "Sabotaje al Montaje" next to the Municipal Market The Station of Tacoronte. Credit: Elena Mora (IAC)
    This morning in the city of Tacoronte the second mural by “Sabotaje al Montaje” about the American woman astronomer was presented; it is a part of the project “The Return of Henrietta Leavitt. From school to a scientific career by way of the theatre”. This is an initiative whose aim is to highlight the role of women in science and encourage scientific careers for girls. Henrietta Leavitt is the main carácter in the play which will first be produced in the “Capitol” Municipal Auditorium in Tacoronte on October 21st.
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  • Mural elaborated by "Sabotaje al Montaje" in honor of Henrietta Leavitt in the interior parking of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of La Laguna. Credit: Elena Mora (IAC)
    A mural of Street art produced by “Sabotaje al Montaje” which pays tribute to this American astronomer was presented this morning on behalf of the University of La Laguna (ULL) and the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) in the neighbourhood of the Faculty of Science. The initiative is part of the multidisciplinary Project “The return of Henrietta Leavitt. From school to a research career by way of the theatre” whose aim is to focus on the role of women in science, and to encourage girls to take up scientific careers.
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  • Concepción artística de Gliese 581, una de las estrellas de la muestra, y su planeta, Gliese 581c. Fuente: ESO.
    Este instrumento, en el que el IAC participa en su diseño y construcción, así como en el grupo científico, ha estudiado una muestra de trescientas estrellas en busca de planetas similares a la Tierra, demostrando su perfecto funcionamiento.
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  • Galaxy NGC 1068 can be seen in close-up in this view from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope. This active black hole -shown as an illustration in the zoomed-in inset- is one of the most obscured known, as it is surrounded by extremely thick clouds of gas and d
    Invited by Nature Astronomy, Cristina Ramos Almeida, researcher at the IAC, and Claudio Ricci, from the Institute of Astronomy of the Universidad Católica de Chile, publish in this journal a review of the most recent results on the material that obscures active galactic nuclei obtained from infrared and X-ray observations, their respective fields of research.
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