The 13-DAY Period Oscillation and the Solar Cycle

Jimenez, A.; Palle, P. L.; Regulo, C.; Roca-Cortes, T.; Isaak, G. R.; McLeod, C. P.; van der Raay, H. B.
Bibliographical reference

Advances in Helio- and Asteroseismology, Proceedings of the Symposium held 17-11 July 1986, in Aarhus, Denmark. Edited by J. Christensen-Dalsgaard and S. Frandsen. IAU Symposium, No. 123. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co., p.211, 1988

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From the analysis of radial velocity measurements of the Sun, obtained at Izaña from 1976 to 1985, stable periods longer than 1 day, have been found in the observed signal. The appearance of an oscillation with a 13 day period has been confirmed. The comparison, for 1981 - 84, of the observations with a calibrated numerical model of the passage of inhomogeneities (spots and plages) on the solar surface, shows that the signal is not only due to this effect. It is believed that a velocity field, probably related to the surface inhomogeneities, contributes to the observed signal.