The control unit of the near infrared spectrograph of the Euclid space mission: detailed design

Toledo-Moreo, R.; Colodro-Conde, Carlos; Gómez-Sáenz-de-Tejada, Jaime; Pérez-Lizán, David; Díaz-García, J. J.; Tubío-Araujo, Ó.; Raichs, Cayetano; Catalán, Jordi; Rebolo, R.
Bibliographical reference

Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9904, id. 990462 10 pp. (2016).

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The Near Infrared Spectrograph and Photometer (NISP) is one of the instruments on board the ESA EUCLID mission. The Universidad Poli&tacute;ecnica de Cartagena and Instituto de Astro&facute;ısica de Canarias are responsible of the Instrument Control Unit of the NISP (NI-ICU) in the Euclid Consortium. The NI-ICU hardware is developed by CRISA (Airbus Defence and Space), and its main functions are: communication with the S/C and the Data Processing Unit, control of the Filter and Grism Wheels, control of the Calibration Unit and thermal control of the instrument. This paper presents the NI-ICU status of definition and design at the end of the detailed design phase.