Castro-Rodríguez, N.; Aguerri, J. A. L.
Bibliographical reference
PLANETARY NEBULAE AS ASTRONOMICAL TOOLS: International Conference on Planetary Nebulae as Astronomical Tools. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 804, pp. 309-312 (2005).
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Refereed citations
We have studied the amount of diffuse light in two galaxy groups, Leo
and HCG 44 through the detection of intragroup planetary nebulae
(IGPNe). The emission line objects detected turned out to be compatible
with background Lyα galaxies. We have estimated an upper limit to
the amount of diffuse light in both groups assuming the presence of just
one IGPN. This is in agreement with previous findings in other groups,
and confirms that the amount of diffuse light decreases from rich galaxy
clusters to groups.