Paredes-Fortuny, X.; Ribó, M.; Bosch-Ramon, V.; Casares, J.; Fors, O.; Núñez, J.
Bibliographical reference
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 575, id.L6, 4 pp.
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The gamma-ray binary LS I +61 303 is composed of a Be
star and a compact companion orbiting in an eccentric orbit. Variable
flux modulated with the orbital period of ~26.5 d has been detected from
radio to very high-energy gamma rays. In addition, the system presents a
superorbital variability of the phase and amplitude of the radio
outbursts with a period of ~4.6 yr. We present optical photometric
observations of LS I +61 303 spanning ~1.5 yr and contemporaneous
Hα equivalent width (EWHα) data. The optical
photometry shows, for the first time, that the known orbital modulation
suffers a positive orbital phase shift and an increase in flux for data
obtained 1-yr apart. This behavior is similar to that already known at
radio wavelengths, indicating that the optical flux follows the
superorbital variability as well. The orbital modulation of the
EWHα presents the already known superorbital flux
variability but shows, also for the first time, a positive orbital phase
shift. In addition, the optical photometry exhibits a lag of ~0.1-0.2 in
orbital phase with respect to the EWHα measurements at
similar superorbital phases, and presents a lag of ~0.1 and ~0.3 orbital
phases with respect noncontemperaneous radio and X-ray outbursts,
respectively. The phase shifts detected in the orbital modulation of
thermal indicators, such as the optical flux and the
EWHα, are in line with the observed behavior for
nonthermal indicators, such as X-ray or radio emission. This shows that
there is a strong coupling between the thermal and nonthermal emission
processes in the gamma-ray binary LS I +61 303. The orbital phase lag
between the optical flux and the EWHα is naturally
explained considering different emitting regions in the circumstellar
disk, whereas the secular evolution might be caused by the presence of a
moving one-armed spiral density wave in the disk.
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