Extremely large telescopes as a motor of socio-economic development and implications of their construction and installation

Burgos-Martin, J.; Sanchez-Padron, M.; Sanchez, F.; Martinez-Roger, Carlos
Bibliographical reference

Second Backaskog Workshop on Extremely Large Telescopes. Edited by Ardeberg, Arne L.; Andersen, Torben. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 5382, pp. 142-147 (2004).

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Large-Scale observing facilities are scarce and costly. Even so, the perspective to enlarge or to increase the number of these facilities are quite real and several projects are undertaking their first steps in this direction. These costly facilities require the cooperation of highly qualified institutions, able to undertake the project from the scientific and technological point of view, as well as the vital collaboration and effective support of several countries, at the highest level, able to provide the necessary investment for their construction. Because of these technological implications and the financial magnitude of these projects, their impact goes well beyond the international astrophysical community. We propose to carry out a study on the socio-economic impact from the construction and operation of an Extremely Large Telescope of class 30 - 100 m. We plan to approach several aspects such as its impact in the promotion of the employment; social, educational and cultural integration of the population; the impulse of industries; its impact on the national and international policies on research; environmental issues; etc. We will also analyze the financial instruments available, and those special aids only accessible for some countries and regions to encourage their participation in projects of this magnitude.